Would you like to volunteer at the Maple Tree?
Helping at one of our sessions
The Maple Tree is a happy place and our volunteers help us to make it so.
Volunteers help by helping set up activities, welcoming families in, making hot drinks and snacks, clearing up at the end and generally being helpful and sociable.
We run sessions for families every week day during school term time and most days during school holidays so there are plenty of opportunities to be involved if you have some time to commit on a regular basis.
To volunteer at the Maple Tree you must enjoy the company of small children, be good at listening and able to respect the privacy of our centre users. All our volunteers are checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Helping at events and activities
We hold one off fundraising and family learning events throughout the year; have a look at our Past Events photos. If you’d like to come and help at an event, or could provide cakes or other edible goodies, or perhaps you have a particular skill to share please get in touch.
Helping upkeep the Maple Tree
There’s always something to do inside or outside. Could you wash some toys for us? Do a spot of gardening? Maintain our sales table? Join a working party to do some cleaning? Or do you have specialist advice that would be helpful to us?
If you can help on a regular or one off basis we’d love to hear from you.